
The Color Purple Quotes

Decent Essays

“I'm pore, I'm black, I may be ugly and can't cook, a voice say to everything listening. But I'm here.”(Walker, 210); based on those words said by Celie it can be inferred that she is illustrated in The Color Purple by Alice Walker as passive, since she often allows people to take advantage of her hence, her quote making a reference to how her husband calls her “poor, black, and ugly...” Secondly, she is also a firm believer, taking into consideration that she is constantly writing letters addressed to God throughout the book. Finally, she is also a person of great character, as she withstood all her trials and tribulations with her integrity intact.
To begin, The Color Purple is a book relatable to plentiful women that have been also abused, …show more content…

She writes letters to him telling him about her life as if he was her best friend. She tells God, how she feels and how other people caused her to feel throughout the book, even if she believes God may never listen to her, she still writes to God as a stress relief. Shug Avery, a famous singer who later becomes Celie's closest friend, tries to help her with her problems with Mr__ and she tries to make Celie believe in herself and believe that she is pretty and valuable. Celie refuses to believe she can be pretty since she has always been looked down at and told by men she is ugly. She tells God about Avery and how she is the only person who has ever loved her. As Avery helps her in her journey to become an independent and valued person. Celie starts to question her faith in God. She wonders why God does not listen to her and argues that “if he ever listened to poor colored women the world would be a different place”(193) and when Avery asks her how God looks like her answer was that God is white. This emphasizes Celie’s claim that God is now to her like every other man because he rejects her for being black and now she does not want to write to him anymore. Ironically Shug helps Celie get back to writing letters to God by telling her that she cannot blasphemy against God. Eventually leading Celie writing to God …show more content…

Instead she faces reality and continues with her life, even though her father constantly abused her, he gave away her children, she had a crazy mother who died, she was sold into marriage by her step pa and was separated from her sister and now she might never see her again. However, she still keeps her integrity and she does not break. Her life starts getting worse when she marries Mr.__ because more problems start coming into her life. He starts off by insulting her and making her feel worthless, like if no one will ever love her. To worsen things he also hides every letter Nancy (Celie’s sister) ever wrote to Celie making matters harder on her, but at the end she does not let Mr.__ take advantage of her anymore like every other man has in her life. For the first time Celie speaks up for herself and puts her abusive husband in place, thus creating at first anger in him, but she did not let herself be beaten up anymore but then this lead to a change in character to Mr.__ . He finally understood the real value of women and succumbed to the fact that women are humans and nothing less than that and they deserve equal

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