
The Color Purple Research Paper

Good Essays

Chandler Daniel, Trevor Grimes, & Oshin Rawal
Mrs. Hawkins

The Color Purple: Historical and Social Affects

“All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my brothers. I had to fight my cousins and my uncles.” This quote is from the book The Color Purple by Alice Walker. This tells the reader that the protagonist (Celie) had struggled all her life and fought for herself against her own family, which means that her life wasn’t easy. The Color Purple holds many mature themes, including sexism, racism, and murder. Celie had to deal with all of these and more, along with other characters alongside her. Other characters in the novel include Shug Avery, the flirtatious performer Celie falls for; …show more content…

Throughout the years African Americans have been mistreated. On page ninety-five of The Color Purple it talks about how the warden violated Squeak. “He say if he was my uncle he wouldn’t do it to me. That be a sin.” (Walker, 96). This is talking about him mistreating Squeak. This also had to do with Squeak being black. Blacks were inferior to whites, many white people believed. This also affected Celie by not allowing her to do things any person should be able to do. Celie, like any colored person, didn’t have right. It also states in a letter Nettie wrote, “Then the white merchants began to get together and complain that this store was taking away the black business from them, and the man’s blacksmith shop that he set up behind the store, was taking some of the white.” (Walker, 72.) The white men were getting upset because a black man was taking some of their business. This was racist because it wasn’t a problem for another white male to steal some customers, but when it was a black male, it was outrageous. Another form of racism in The Color Purple was when Sophia was arrested for “sassing” the Mayor’s wife. The Mayor’s wife inquired to Sophia about her interest in being their maid. Sophia rather bluntly responds no, growing offended at this. This causes a fight, in which Sophia is arrested. “The polices come, start slinging the children off the mayor, bang they heads together. Sophia really start to …show more content…

“The first time I got big Pa took me out of school. He never care that I love it… You too dumb to go to school, Pa say… But Pa, Nettie say, crying. Celie smart too.” (Walker, 9.) Despite Nettie and Celie’s pleas, Pa refused to allow Celie to attend school because she was “big”, slang for pregnant at that time. Celie acted differently because of her upbringing, or rather lack of true education. She spoke an odd dialect, and reacted to situations in a way most would find socially unacceptable. For example, she wrote “dis” instead of “this” – putting them down the way they sound. Celie forgot the quotation marks when people speak in her writings, and neglected to utilize other verbs aside from “say.” As time went on, Celie’s spelling and punctuation improved, some claim because of Nettie’s well-written letters Celie found. “And from what you tell me, he’s a bully.” (Walker, 76.) Shug Avery grew distasteful of the way Celie is treated by Mr. ___. She questioned Celie on why she let Mr. ___ beat her, as well as let him sleep with another woman (Shug herself). It was revealed that because of Celie’s past, she did not understand what it meant to be treated right and wrong, or if there was any difference. “You ought to bash Mr. ___ head open, she [Sophia] say. Think bout heaven later.” (Walker, 46.) She did not understand that Mr. ___ should not have slept with other women. “What he beat you for? She ast. For

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