
The Combat Against Poverty Has Been An Ongoing Battle That

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The combat against poverty has been an ongoing battle that perpetually mimics a stalemate, that is, regardless of what the world throws at it - poverty seems invincible. Furthermore, after the development of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) by the United Nations in 2001, a handful of Non-Government Organizations (NGO) and business entities began capitalizing on the creation of these MDG’s. That being said, many NGO’s distributed MDG related advertisements (which incorporates the heart warming feeling individuals get when helping others) in order to encourage the public to donate to impoverished countries. Whereas, business corporations utilize a unique business model that encourages the public to buy their product in order to help …show more content…

. .” (Kon, par. 8).
As stated above, NGO’s have been operating advertisements in a way that frames countries as resource poor areas. In other words, the organizations are portraying how individuals in third world countries are incapable of finding a job due to their supposedly resource depleted, and thus economically inviable countries (Poverty Inc.). For example, Africa, in terms of natural resources, is “the worlds richest continent. It has 50 percent of the world’s gold, most of the worlds diamonds and chromium, 90 percent of the cobalt, 40 percent of the worlds potential hydroelectric power, 65 percent of the manganese” (Williams, par. 1); however, the African country is usually the star of many documentary films concerning poverty. Thus, the propaganda used by these organizations, which stimulates an influx of donations, are presented in an fabricated manner that falsely represents these countries; however, the spike of donated goods does not only come from the influence of NGO’s, but also from for profit businesses corporations.
A handful of business entities around the globe have capitalized on a business model that both stimulates profit, and helps impoverished countries – the “one-for-one” model. This model operates in a manner that provides a child in need with a free item when that same item is purchased in a first world country. This trend has been incredibly popular and has catapulted to prominence around the world: “more and more

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