
The Concentration Of Auschwitz During The Holocaust

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Camps now a days are fun for children when they are bored during the summer they can stay there for weeks make friends and learn all sorts of new stuff while their parents don’t have to deal with them for a while and are sure they are safe and having fun. The camps that are going to be learned about in this reading are the exact opposite, these camps only terrorize, safety is never an option, death is the only answer, and parents would never want their kids to go to through all of this torture and fear. Auschwitz known as the term for the largest camps during the Holocaust was a complex of camps from concentration, forced-labor to death camps. There were three main areas from the many camps including: Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II (Birkenau), …show more content…

There was no comfy pillows or blankets not even mattress, but alike all camps there were wooden bunkers that fitted six people in each all stacked up. After being in there is no way out only death from barbed wires, electric fences, machine guns, and automatic rifles. There is many that still had determination to stay alive. The construction of Auschwitz I Camp began in May 1940 in the Zasole near the suburb of Oswiecim, located in southern Poland. Before being known as a concentration camp for the Jewish prisoners or other opposed enemies of the Nazi state, Auschwitz was used as a detention center for political prisoners. Dr. Josef Mengele led most of the experiments on Jewish prisoners by putting them in pressure chambers, tested with drugs, castrated, and frozen to death. Children were his favorite and he would perform blood gushing surgeries like removing organs without anesthesia, but his favorite children were twins, he would stitch twins together and perform transfusions, most children did not survive after these surgical procedures. Prisoners in the concentration camp spent over ten hours a day working, long lines for food, disinfecting and removing pests from clothes took time as well after a long day of work. Later of what WVHA decree of March 31, 1942 established a minimum of eleven hours working each day for all concentration camps. Labor was enforced as learned from the entrance but not really because work

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