
The Concept Of Family In William Faulkner's The Sound And The Fury

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The idea of family, whether it be a biological family, a close-knit friend group, or even a romantic relationship that feels homely, is typically a group of people with genuine love, care, and respect for one another. However, in both literature and life, reality does not live up to the expectation of this perfect definition. In The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner, family members cheat others out of money and drive each other to alcoholism and the disgracing of a family name. Tennessee Williams’ novel Cat on a Hot Tin Roof depicts a family exactly like this! None of them can stand one another, and these aggressive feelings are aggravated by failing marriages and miserable relationships between siblings. Also, in Toni Morrison’s Beloved, the concept of dysfunctional families reaches its peak when a mother murders her own daughter. Although these works of literature are vastly different, they all include a family which, because it is set apart from society, contains familial tensions and conflicts; this causes readers to contemplate how the storyline affects these conflicts. Isolation among these families creates an unfavorable pattern as their mannerisms cycle within one another without having societal connections.
William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury depicts a family which is unstable in almost every way imaginable. One of the brothers, Quentin Compson, commits suicide after suffering through a lifetime of his alcoholic father drilling a nihilistic worldview

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