
The Confirmation And Saving Grace That Both Twain And I

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Chapter Thirty-One Response- This chapter is the confirmation and saving grace that both Twain and I, as Huck puts Jim before himself, before the widow, and stands up to what society’s interpretation of rightdoing for in order to do what he knows is right in his life. This action of his was completely selfless, whole-hearted and courageous. Huck turned his back against the racial norms, the prejudice, the hate, the stereotypes, the lies and the opinions of the white population because he realized that Jim was a beloved friend who was worth making a sacrifice for; Huck even thought that he might go to hell for helping Jim because society had taught the children to hate the African Americans. This shows incredible value placement, …show more content…

Amidst trying to figure out who he was in order to perfect his cover, he conveniently found out that he was, indeed, Tom Sawyer. Entwined in his story was the fact that nobody was hurt, but a nigger was killed. This statement alone dehumanizes and demeans slaves and African Americans alike. To suggest that Jim is less than human or less than a man is wrong and and perverted. Jim is more of a man than Huck’s own father is. Here, the book is continuing to argue and showcase how perversity and ugliness of the truth concerning the way that slaves were treated.

Chapter Thirty-Three Huck intercepts Tom along the dirt road on his way to the Phelps household. Tom is thrilled that Huck is alive and is more than ecstatic to help him out with his predicament. Tom also agrees, surprisingly, to help “steal a nigger.”
Tom spins his famous web of stories and ends with a memorable finale that consists of Aunt Sally and Silas “finding out” that he isn’t really a stranger at all; he is Sid Sawyer, although we all know that is a tall tale.
The most horrendous and ironic statement was made at the end of this chapter. “Human beings can be awful cruel to one another” (Twain 210). Throughout the major time periods consisting of slavery, slaves endured physical abuse, mental abuse, families being separated, back-breaking labor, wretched living conditions, awful stereotypes, racial prejudice and so much more; yet, Huck and society consider human

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