
The Consequences Of The American Revolution

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In America there was originally 13 colonies founded by the British between 1607 and 1732. The colonists regarded themselves as British and they fought for the British in the French and Indian war (The seven years war). 13 years later they declared independence from Britain. There are various interpretations of what caused the American revolution. Two of these are the progressive interpretation and the neo-Whig interpretation. The progressive interpretation focuses on class conflict and social/economic divisions among the colonies. The neo-Whig interpretation focuses on constitutional rights and ideology.
The progressive interpretation of what caused the American revolution puts the blame on class conflict and social/economic division. They see the American revolution as an attempt by colonial elites to secure their own position in the colonies. They say that the American Revolution was fought for economic reasons, not on the basis of principles such as “No taxation without representation.” Progressive historians like Howard Zinn highlight the social tensions and the discontent of the masses, drawing attention to the protests and mob violence carried out by disgruntled workers in the cities and ports. The Neo-Whig interpretation of what caused the American revolution places the blame on constitutional rights and ideology. They see the revolution as the colonists fighting for their constitutional rights and political ideas. Neo-Whig historians like Bernard Bailyn view the

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