
The Plague: The Black Death

Decent Essays

Giovanni Boccaccio gives the readers a description of the onset of the Black Death that offers a clear understanding of the events as they unfolded during that particular period. This essay will focus on how the Black Death came about, some of the key aspects of the plague as described by the writer in addition to the immediate and long-term political, economic and social consequences of the Black Death.
In the year 1348, in Florence, Italy, the first incidence of the Black Death was experienced. It originated from the east, and it had made its way into the West after destroying a large number of people in different places. Speculations about the cause of the Black Death were numerous, but some people believed that the disease came from God, and started to pray and repent. Some thought they only could escape the plague by running away from it. Some theorized Infected fleas on rats and then to man was responsible.
People abandoned their friends and family, left cities, and became hermits. Funerals stopped, as all work ceased, inflation sky rocketed because it was difficult to gather goods through trade, or to even try to produce anything as prices increased greatly. Because of death to the serf peasants who were the majority of people who labored, and the demand to work the fields were high, thus a bidding war ensued among the lords for this scarce labor pool which lead to even higher wages, and their standard of living increased. This was the beginning of clouding the

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