
The Contributions Of Ancient Technology In The Ancient World

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There are thousands of years and many examples of ancient technology that leave us in awe at the knowledge and wisdom attained by people of the past. These past civilizations made incredible advances in engineering and innovation as the latest and most powerful civilizations emerged and came to control the ancient world. These advances sparked societies to adopt new ways of living and governance, as well as new ways of contemplating their world. Three examples of ancient technological that garnered my attention the most were Sumerian form of writing called cuneiform, the fascinating Assyrians made aqueducts and the sheer scale and integrity of ancient Roman architecture that was brought to the new regions of their empire. Cuneiform was the earliest form of writing in 3100 B.C.E that ushered in the world’s first Information age (Fiero 12). The creation of the Sumerian writing system happened because the Mesopotamians needed a way to keep track of clay tokens they used to count agricultural goods. This system was used to keep track of information such as religious activities, business transactions such as trade and sales. Cuneiform was used by scholars to for stories, myths, and personal letters. Cuneiform is composed of wedge-shaped characters and was written on clay tablets that resembled marks made by a chicken scratching in the mud. Many languages throughout a vast geographical span over thousands of years were written in cuneiform, including Sumerian, Hittite, Hurrian

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