
The Controversial Effects Of Siblings On Children Essay

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This essay is going to focus on the controversial effects of siblings on children, and whether this is positive or negative, and also whether those who grow up in an only child family environment do better than those with siblings or if there is no significant effect of having one or more children and how successful they will be.
The relationship between siblings has not always been the main focus of research on child development only recently has it been taken such great interest into, psychologists predominantly search for evidence of the relationship between mother and child, this is known as the attachment theory created by John Bowlby (1969) who suggests that children seek closeness between their mother when threatened or under stress. This theory could even demonstrate the proximity between siblings as they impact each other psychologically and leave a connection between each other. Siblings could have a very beneficial impact on each other, if there is a strong and loving relationship between one and other then this may promote strategies for children to understand and regulate their emotions which could impact adolescence as these skills may prevent illnesses such as depression or anxiety (Buist, Deković, and Prinzie, 2013). Older siblings could be seen as a secure base for a younger sibling as they show a great amount of emotional importance for a new brother/sister, the first born monitors the way the new born is shown love by the mother very closely, to contrast

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