
The Controversial Topic of Stem-Cell Research in the United States

Decent Essays

Stem cell research is a fairly controversial topic in the United States. Stem cells are cells that have the potential to become certain types of cells throughout a human body. There are a few types of stem cells, which are embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are the most controversial due to the manner from which they are obtained. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells gathered from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, which is an early-stage embryo that contains about 50-150 cells. However, the extraction of these cells causes the blastocyst to be destroyed, which is what raises many flags to people. The controversy of stem cell research began as early as 1996 when congress …show more content…

There are many benefits that come from stem cell research; the government should be more open to obtaining stem cell research in other manners because it can be used to regenerate brain cells, it promotes nerve repair, and insulin secreting cells. If the government was to be more open to obtaining stem cell lines in other ways than just donations from fertility clinics, there would be much more stem cells available to be cultured. Since there have been so many limitations set on stem cell research, it has been difficult for scientist to find the many benefits of stem cell therapy. As far as we know, stem cells could be used for the possible cure of incurable diseases such as, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, and paralyzed human beings. Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease are caused primarily due to the loss of brain cells, which our body does not regenerate. With other common diseases such as diabetes, stem cell therapy can play a role if they promote insulin secreting cells, which are the cells that humans with diabetes are lacking. It is very likely that these incurable diseases can be cured by stem cell therapy if it became easier to obtain such stem cells.
Researchers should be able to clone embryonic stem cells for research purposes if donated embryos are in short supply. One of the rules that the NIH

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