
The Controversy Of Capital Punishment

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The Controversy of Capital Punishment

Capital punishment, or the death penalty, is a form of punishment that has been used as far back as the Colonial Era in America. Although it has been around for the entirety of American history, most of the scrutiny and controversy involving capital punishment arose in the 1972 Supreme Court Case of Furman v. Georgia, in which it was abolished, but quickly returned in 1977. It is evident that many citizens have ambivalent stances on capital punishment; some believing it is necessary form of punishment while others believe that the death penalty is a violation of the Eighth Amendment. Although capital punishment has been used throughout history and is seen by many as a form of justified punishment, there are many reasons in favor of ending the death penalty completely. Capital punishment is an unnecessary evil that should be found unconstitutional because of it is not practical, it is corrupt, and it is unable to deter further homicides from being committed.
A brief history explaining the verdicts made by the Supreme Court regarding capital punishment in American history needs to be made to understand why capital punishment has become such a national issue in contemporary America. In the 1972 Supreme Court case Furman v. Georgia, the court ruled that the, “carrying out of the death penalty…constitutes cruel and unusual punishment,” (Hugo 1). Since the death penalty was considered at the time cruel and unusual, it made it in direct

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