
The Cormcible And The 1692 Salem Witch Trials And The Crucible

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It has been said many times that history repeats itself but we often don’t get an example of how this is. One such example is the crucible about the 1692 Salem witch trials relates to the 1950’s red scare. These two brutal times in history really may not look obviously related to each other but deeper into the story it becomes more apparent that they are fundamentally the same. The similarity’s become more apparent when you look at The Crucible than we will change perspective and look at the red scare a little more in depth and polish it all off by seeing why Arthur Miller wrote the crucible and how they related to each other. The Crucible was a book that took place in Salem Organ in the year of 1692. The platform for the story revolves …show more content…

During this time people could accuse anybody communists and with the growing fear of communism people were in the court and to refuse meant you were lying and admit meant you were telling the truth and where guilty which can lead to the death penalty. How do these to interrelate? Well during the red scare people with strong wills and who were political advocates for racial equality and support of the labor unions were the ones that the leader of the HUAC was that kind of person. Arthur Miller was exactly that kind of person and he feared that with the stronger protest he would be under the hot gaze of the HUAC. He found his solution after reading Charles W. Upham's 1867 two-volume study of the 1692 Salem witch trials. Now that he saw the relation he wrote his play and described the relation between the two. He tried his best to defused the tension and reduce the power of the HUAC to convict people without evidence or reason. Even with the fact that there were counter arguments like during the Salem witch trials, there were no witches but, people still started seeing the error of the HUAC. In his works, he got under that hot eye of the HUAC and became one of those people that he so earnestly worked to right and to avoid from having it happen again. There is no doubt that history repeats itself and even though it isn’t direct if we look a little deeper we can see the similarities. No matter how hard we hide history will discreetly fined a way to

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