
Corruption Of Absolute Power In Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'

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Matthew Lee Mrs. Wong ENG 3UAA-a 22 July, 2015 The Corruption of Absolute Power People say that there is a major difference between justice and corruption, but where is the fine line between good and evil? Corruption can be interpreted as dishonest conduct by those in power. There are those who believe that corruption is just as long as it is serves a benefit for the common good. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth demonstrates the effects of living in a corrupt society and how the people rebel against their ruler whereas George Orwell’s 1984 portrays an unethical dystopia and how the public is oblivious to what is going on around them. The Inner Party and Macbeth both heavily abuse their power, resulting in the deterioration of society. Although they both seek power for the sake of having it, the way they manifest themselves, control the public, and punish the enemies are extremely contrasting. After maintaining so much power in society, the way they present themselves vary greatly between the Inner Party and Macbeth. Their presentation affects how people perceive them. Macbeth presents himself as a ruthless tyrant filled with greed and ambition. After killing Banquo, Lady Macbeth assumes that Macbeth is troubled with guilt, but that is not the case. He explains, “I am in blood / stepp’d in so far, that, should I wade no more” (3.4.167-168). Macbeth realizes that he has done so much evil that it is easier to continue rather than make up for his mistakes. This

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