
The Corruption Of Power In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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As a political writer and socialist of the time, Orwell turns the tragedy of the Russian people, whose dreams of a communist utopia were crushed by the Stalin regime, into a message to society. These people of the Russian Revolution were treated just as poorly, if not worse, than before the revolution because of political innocence and an authoritarian government. With his novel, Animal Farm, serving as allegory for the Russian revolution, Orwell warns that any society that gives the leader absolute power is fated to become corrupt and oppressive because of the inevitability of a leader manipulating his power for personal gain. Even revolutions that have the best intentions will ultimately fail if the leaders are not held accountable. The corruption of power, in Animal Farm, does not occur immediately after the revolution. While Snowball remained on the farm, he dedicated his leadership skills towards teaching the other animals to read and write. His efforts were well spent because, “by the autumn almost every animal on the farm was literate in some degree” (Orwell 32). As a leader, Snowball prioritized the equality of all animals, and stressed the importance of equal education among all animals. Literary critic, Edward Quinn, notes that this is an important development of Orwell message, as "equality modulates to privilege and privilege, in turn, gradually transforms itself into power,” because privilege starts to take precedent over equality almost immediately after the

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