
The Cost Of Late Term Abortion

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Late Term Abortion By Kelsey Holm The Cost of Late-Term Abortion We have seen a monumental amount of political and social activism coming from Pro-life and Pro-choice proponents in the 25 years following the Supreme Court 's landmark decision in Roe v. Wade. Far from settling the issue of a woman 's constitutional right to an abortion, the Roe decision galvanized pro-life and prochoice groups and precipitated many small "battles" in what many on both sides view to be a "war" between fetal protection and women 's access to reproductive choice (Oliveri, 1998). Now, the choice to abort a child in what is now being deemed as “late-term” abortion is something that activists and political leaders are wanting. This argument goes beyond the political level and is now at the judicial level. This argument has even gone into the main streets of our society with each side gaining and losing ground. More recently, we have a presidential candidate who sides with Pro-choice and late-term abortion. Pro-life activists staged peaceful, nation-wide campaign of clinic protests to oppose this cause. The protests had to be peaceful because of violent conflicts that occurred in the past which led Congress in 1994 to enactment of the Federal Access to Clinic Entrances law (Oliveri, 1998). This law created specific civil and criminal penalties for violence outside of abortion clinics (Oliveri, 1998). State legislatures imposed limitations on the right to abortion, including

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