
The Cost of Westernization

Decent Essays

Global cities of the South face very complex economic, governmental, ecologic and social issues. We have spent the quarter discussing and critically analyzing the effects of rapid urbanization throughout developing cities of the South. In my opinion “westernization” contributes to the destruction of culture and infrastructure within global cities of south. I believe “westernization” monopolizes economic progress of the poor. The influence of “western” culture, planning and policy practices lacks a level of sensitivity needed to adequately address disparities which exist within cities of the global south.
To begin, cities within the global south are more likely to need aid from the IMF. The United States currently holds 1/3 of the votes within the IMF, as a result the decision making power over nations within the global south rest in the hands of the western world. This dynamic is problematic because the IMF’s, SAP’s programs only add to further economic and social resource depletion within developing cities. With little to none voting influence from persons within the global south, the “west” through the IMF will continue structuring loans from an “outsider” perspective. As an “outsider” the west is given control over people and resources in the developing world.
In addition, colonial city planning have impacted planning policies within cities of the global south. In chapter five of “Planet of Slums”, Author Mike Davis examines the urban planning strategies used in the

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