
The Costs And Benefits Of Crime

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There have been studies that have confirmed that the estimated costs and benefits of crime are influenced by such factors as the individuals’ level of self-control, moral beliefs, strains, emotional state and association with delinquent peers. There have been countless of other studies that have examined whether peoples’ estimates of the costs and benefits of crime influence their levels of offending or their intentions to offend. Such studies have examined the perceived likelihood that crime will result in official sanction, condemnation by family, and friends, feelings of guilt and shame, physical harm and economic problems. These studies have examined as well a range of benefits, including the perceived likelihood that crime will result in monetary benefits, thrills and excitement, and status. The rational choice perspective argues that individuals’ frequently choose to engage in crime based on a consideration of costs and benefits. Crimes are the result of rational choices that are based on the analyses of anticipated costs and benefits, which mainly is trying to maximize their benefits and minimize their costs (Cullen and Agnew, 2011, pp. 387-388, 400). The way they do this is first by deciding whether they are willing to become involved in crime in the first place to satisfy their needs. Whether they decide to engage in crime is heavily influenced by their previous learning and experiences including their moral code, their view of themselves, their personal and

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