
The Counseling Requirements Of The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act Of 1990

Decent Essays

IPPE II On-Site Assignments
This assignment should be completed and turned in via Blackboard by 5:00 PM the Thursday AFTER your assigned reflection lab.

Assignment 1: Patient Counseling

1. Describe the counseling requirements of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA 90).

The pharmacist must offer to discuss the unique drug therapy regimen of each Medicaid recipient when filling prescriptions for them. Each patient must be made an offer to be counseled by the pharmacist. The items to be addressed include, the name of the drug, intended use of expected action, common side effects and their avoidance, techniques for self-monitoring, proper storage, potential drug-drug or drug-food contraindications, refill …show more content…

4. List 3 questions asked by the pharmacist during a patient counseling session. A. Have you used this medication before? B. What is this medication used for? C. What has your doctor mentioned about the side effects of this medication?

Assignment 2: Patient Scenarios (You may discuss these questions with the pharmacist)

1. Scenario 1: A patient comes in and is out of refills for his blood pressure medication. It is 8 PM on a Friday night. How would you handle this situation?

As a pharmacist I would ask them to determine if their doctor has an emergency after hour’s line that I can call for a prescription. I could also require the patient to bring their prescription bottle as verification for a few day supply emergency refill. Later, I would fax the doctor’s office for a new prescription. When I receive the prescription I would subtract the emergency supply from the quantity to fill.

2. Scenario 2: A patient comes in and is out of refills for his diazepam, which he takes for anxiety. It is 8 PM on a Friday night. How would you handle this situation?

As a pharmacist I could calmly and as kindly as possible explain that because the prescription is a controlled medication I would not be able to give them a few days emergency supply. I would recommend that they visit the closest urgent care facility to acquire this prescription.

3. Scenario 3: A Mom calls you on the

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