
The Country And Culture Of Iraq

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To be able to set aside ones own personal thought and beliefs in order to fully comprehend those of another is what it truly means to be culturally aware. This ability can grant a person great insight to the lives and actions of unfamiliar cultures. A person who can be culturally aware could change every aspect of how we interact with foreign nations and could prove vital if and when conflicts arise between those nations. In this essay I will study the Country and Culture of Iraq. I will first start with the physical imports of the area: the geographical location, terrain and climate. Then I will cover the people who make up this country: the language they speak, their ethnicities, religions, cultural norms, and their …show more content…

In the summer it is not unusual for temperatures to reach 120 degrees. Floods, dust storms, and sandstorms are a natural part of Iraq’s weather system (Iraqi Cultural Office, 2016). Next, I will discuss the Iraqi people, in order to be fully aware of any culture you must actually learn about the people themselves. There are five major aspects of Iraqi culture that I will cover;the language,religion,hierarchy, values, and ethnic groups that make up Iraq. Iraq has an approximate population of 31,129,225. The capital city of Iraq is Baghdad, which has a population of 5,672,513. The official language of Iraq is Arabic and Kurdish(The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq). The majority of Iraq’s population is made up of Arabs, approximately 2/3s, another quarter of those living here consider themselves to be Kurds, with the remainder of the people belonging to smaller minority groups (Woods & Chambers, 2016, p. 8). If you asked people in the U.S to tell you one way they identify themselves many may say, “I am American,” but Iraqi culture is very different. They identify with their families and their tribes. Though most Arabs in Iraq would consider themselves to be apart of one of the two major groups, the Sunnis or the Shi’ites, they have their own family units or tribes they belong to as well. In both the shi’ite and the sunnis, it is common for multiple generations to still reside

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