
The Creators Of Salt Of The Earth

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The creators of Salt of the Earth “had a consciousness of radical activism” (Aptheker 2015). Paul Jarrico, Michael Wilson, and Herbert J. Biberman made connections between the Cold War anti-union sentiment and what was happening in the lives of the community at Hanover, New Mexico (Balthasar 353). "Salt fuses the antiracist, anti imperialist sensibility...with the central popular front icon and narrative form- the strike tale. In this sense Salt is not simply an expansion of a 1930s political aesthetic; it is the fulfillment of it” (Balthasar 356). This included thinking about how different forms of oppression impact people. Their final film implicitly critiques the United States’ imperialist policies and treatment of minority groups (Balthasar 355), a dangerous move in the era of high tensions due to the red scare. This, along with affiliations with the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League (HANL) made them targets of the United States government (Balthasar 354). Their careers had been destroyed, since no one wanted to make themselves a target of the U.S. by being friendly with people that were accused of being communists, and their film was blacklisted. The leading actress, Rosaura Revualtas, who had already radically starred in what is recognized as the first lesbian film (Aptheker), also faced punishment for starring in Salt. Though she was here legally, participation in the film was grounds for her deportation. Furthermore, she was banned from acting in Mexico (Aptheker). Clint

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