
The Criminal Justice System Is A Big Issue Faced By The Nation Essay

Decent Essays

Racism in the U.S. criminal justice system is a big issue faced by the nation. This prejudice is strongly expressed today in its massive incarceration rate among minorities. People of color are being targeted by a bias system created by people with a bias mindset. This has resulted in African Americans representing about 35% of the jail population and 37% of the prison population despite only being 12% of the total U.S. population (Carson, 2015). According to The Sentencing Project (2013):
By creating and perpetuating policies that allow such racial disparities to exist in its criminal justice system, the United States is in violation of its obligations under Article 2 and Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to ensure that all its citizens—regardless of race—are treated equally under the law. (p. 2)
The ethnic structure of the prison populace in the United States is very different from the rest of the population of the nation. It can easily be stated that the American criminal justice system is fundamentally racist. Unfortunately the racial inequality in the criminal justice system is not talked about enough because it does not affect most people.
This intense and vivid presentation of people with an ethnic background in the justice system discloses a conflict between America’s thoughts towards legal equality for everyone and a tendency to arrest ethnic minorities. The hard reality and fact is that people of color get arrested more often

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