
The Crucial Role Of Interest Groups In The United States

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Interest groups are playing a very crucial role in all democratic governance. However, Lobby or interest groups should be limited on how they influence the law making processes in the State of Texas. Some of the areas they influence are very critical and should have limit as to which they can influence their legislation. groups are very different from each other in terms of their recourses, size, tactics, age, ideological focus, geographical coverage and sophistication. So assuming that they represent a large group would be a big mistake. No matter how much they are limited, interest groups do not act in the best interests of the democracy. They only serve what their members feels is right. According to one of the links, lobbyists are seen as salespeople whose aim is to solely influence the law makers. …show more content…

However, limiting their access to funds could paralyze some of their operations. For example, Texas State Rifle Association Political Action Committee not only influences legislation of legal possession of firearms, but also it educates the legislators, general public and the media about the freedom the second amendment has given to them. "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." (DeConde). That being said, a lobby group can hide itself behind that, while in real sense its interest are quite different. The government should place more rigid limitations and more oversight on all interest groups, not just those with access to greater funds. I believe all interest groups should be treated same by the

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