
The Crucible Analysis

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The Crucible Timed Writing - Sebastian Pardo

In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, he examines in depth the way people respond to intense trials, like the title suggests, and specifically trials of morality and righteousness. Each character undergoes great tribulations, and they don’t all handle it the same way, but the one thing that affects most if not all of their actions, and in turn the story, is pride, and the negative effect it has. It is not only the driving force behind many actions, but also a large part of why the story is so tragic. We see it influence John Proctor to abandon his family, farm, and friends in the town, so he can die with pride in his honesty, and we see multiple men of authority make judgements that murder innocent …show more content…

In the entrance to the courtroom, after Hale makes the point that the people on Giles’ deposition are in fear of repercussion, Danforth confidently states “No uncorrupted man may fear this court, Mr. Hale!”, however he also immediately says to Giles “You are under arrest in contempt of this court.” (Miller 98). These two men make weighty accusations and both Tituba and Giles end up dying because of them, so one would think they have pretty substantial evidence for their convictions. However, all Hale has for TItuba is what he could discern with his own “witch expert” skills, and all Danforth has over Giles is that he seems to be questioning his “foolproof” methods. The one common factor here is that both these men are incredibly proud of their abilities to detect the Devil and guilt respectively, but unfortunately that does not correlate to any actual proficiency, and all it got them was the blood of two innocent people on their hands, who most likely would have lived if the pride had been taken out of the equation.

When John Proctor made his decision to tear up the confession, when Danforth declared there was no corruption in the court, and when

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