
The Crucible Research Paper

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The Crucible by Arthur Miller it’s a play based on the Salem witch trials. The play takes place in the spring of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. The town minister, reverend Paris discovered a group of young girls including his niece Abigail Williams and a group of young girls dancing in the woods. Reverend Paris believed that Abigail and the girls were practicing witchcraft due to their odd behaviors in the woods. While the girls were dancing Abigail was drinking chicken blood as part of a charm to kill Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor’s wife. The Salem witchcraft trials began when the girls suspected that they were going to be punished for their actions. Once in court, the girls started to lie and accuse other people of witchcraft to deflect blame on themselves. During the trials, …show more content…

Because they were still a premature community, society was still trying to figure out how to manage the legal system. The courtroom was full of lies, false accusations, vengeance, and many trying to save their reputation. Parris is afraid to confess that he found the girls including his niece and his daughter doing witchcraft, he knew that it would hurt his reputation so he blames Abigail of dishonoring him and his family. When asked by his wife to confess about Abigail confession, John Proctor declines his wife wish because he knew that him confessing also meant to confess about his infidelity and adultery. Reverend Hale, a witchcraft expert starts questioning everyone and their answers makes Abigail look bad so Abigail blames Tituba, reverend Parris slave and saves her reputation. The Putnams asked Tituba if the others (people they don’t like) were also witches, Tituba confessed and blamed the others of being witches too. Parris, John Proctor, Abigail, Tituba and the Putnams actions can be considered examples of false accusations, vengeance and guarding of reputation and morality in the witch

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