
The Crucible: The American Dream

Decent Essays

In this world, there are many people who believe that the American Dream is no longer attainable. Different views play a part in the American Dream. It is very common amongst people. Whether it is attainable or not depends on the person. My feelings on the issue are that I do support Kathy’s position on how America is filled with opportunities but I find the text in the Crucible to be equally persuasive as well. The American Dream is, “the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.” With it having many different meanings, people can’t seem to find the “right” one. It is also said that the American Dream means Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit …show more content…

Thomas. My interpretation of it is that once people start to begin to go for their American Dream or once they start obtaining it things go wrong. When things go wrong thats when it can feel like a prison to many. Also things can get in the way of peoples dreams. Those things can be religion, money, accusations, false judgement, police, jobs, etc. For example, The Crucible shows how people can be happy until false accusations occur which can condemn them for life. In ACt 3 of the Crucible Mary Warren comes home from court and gives elizabeth a poppet she as well tells her that she is accused in court, obviously by Abigail. “[...] Were they born this morning as clean as Gods fingers? [...] little crazy children are jangling the keys to the kingdom. [...] I’ll not give my wife to vengeance.” (Miller 204). That can relate to the real world by how innocent people can be accused and punished for any little thing which can be seen as the freedom and rights of those people being taken away. For example on February 26th, 2017 an innocent young black man named Trayvon Martin was shot by zimmerman for the simple fact that Trayvon looked “suspicious.” False judgements based on racism is what led to an innocent young man’s death. His American Dream was removed from his; his rights to Life, Liberty, and Happiness in the blink of an

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