
Examples Of Dangerous American People

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Danger American People, Danger Theocracy has been out of the American government system since the founding fathers decided on making their country a secular state. But that did not happen until almost one hundred years after the horrors that the political system caused in Salem, Massachusetts. Even hundreds of years after the witch trials of the late 1600’s theocracy finds a way to weasel its way into the American system in the 1950’s. McCarthyism and the Red Scare become a threat to the peace and democracy of the USA and Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is a reflection of that time using an example of the dangers of theocracy, the Salem Witch Trials. The dangers of a dogmatic system in power are clearly seen in the events of The Crucible and are echoed again years later during the Red Scare of 1950’s America. A …show more content…

The theocratic government that was instilled with harsh, strict leaders in the New World gave their God all the power. The church put out rules that “permitted [no one] to read a novel” (4), “forbade anything resembling a theater or vain enjoyment” (4), and told the people to “concentrate on prayer” (4). Many followed those rules but some wished for more interesting lifestyle and due to their restricting laws, could not obtain just that. Using a paradox, Miller explains that the people that came over from Europe came looking for religious freedom but found none here under the scrutiny of the church. Those who came over from England believed it to be in their right and ironically “found it necessary to deny any other sect its freedom” (5) because of the persecution that came from their native land but

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