
The Crucible with Related Text

Decent Essays

Belonging can be defined as the process of the association with the human race as socially active characters. It is part of the human condition which represents the need for security, safety and acceptance. An aspect of belonging such as isolation can be associated with the concept of belonging, as not belonging is a reciprocal process of belonging. Belonging allows for the authentication of characters through the formation of identity and connections.
Belonging is the human need for wellbeing, acceptance and social security. One belongs to a group, a family, a unit, and one can also be isolated from groups and rejected from communities. Through analysis of The Crucible by Arthur Miller and the feature article, A Dangerous mind offers an …show more content…

She has no power, possession, belonging, or respect. She is an outcast who desires to belong as shown by Miller through the emotionally charged plea of Abigail “I am a good girl, a proper girl! She made me do it!” .It is with great dramatic irony that the same child whom attains belonging by accusing others would ask Danforth “Let you beware Mr Danforth. Think you be so mighty that the power of hell may not turn your wits?” This is demonstrating both dramatic and verbal irony of her actions and the establishments of her ignorance. On the other hand Danforth is the personified symbol of rigid social bonds. He calls out to Goody Nurse “Do you know who I am? Mrs. Nurse” showcasing how his place in society calls for respect and power. His statement of oppressive power over those who belong to his address is further reflected in his parable “Hang them high over the town, who weeps for these, weeps for corruption.” Suggesting that his power holds hostage over the belonging of those who may rebel, thus showing the power of belonging in creating identities and the human need for acceptance and security.
The Crucible is a reflection of how society treats those who belong and those who do not, and the community of Salem echoes the obsession with prejudgment in today’s societies, thus resulting in a characters tendency to either belong or not belong.
The text that reflects these notions of belonging is the feature article, A

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