
The DIKW Model : Computer Science And Information Science

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The DIKW Model The DIKW model is the fundamental theory on which the nursing informatics discipline is based upon.Nursing informatics is a combination of information science, computer science and nursing science.DIKW model provides a broad theoretical framework that encompasses all the three disciplines to support the interdisciplinary nature of nursing informatics. Data are discrete facts derived from observation describing the patient or his/her environment. Examples include patient’s medical diagnosis or living status etc.Has very little meaning by itself. Information is gathered by combining different data points into a meaningful picture in a certain context. Information is a continuum of progressively developing and clustered data; it answers questions such as “who”, “what”, “where”, and “when”. (Topaz, M. (2013).Knowledge is derived by exploring patterns of relationships between different sets of information and explains “why” or “how”. Wisdom is an appropriate use of knowledge to manage and solve human problems. (American Nurses Association, 2008; Matney et al., 2011) Wisdom guides the nurses in decision making based on patients’ values, nurse’s experience, and healthcare knowledge. The DIKW model lays foundation for developing ways for representing nursing work in quantifiable terms, deriving nursing outcomes, and evaluating the outcome criteria. Making nursing work visible and valued in health systems, using information technology is one of the major

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