
The Danger Of A Single Story Essay

Decent Essays

The Danger of a Single Story The global cultural event I attended discussed the danger of a single story. The event started with a Ted talk video of a Nigerian author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Adichie started her discussion by introducing herself and discussing her background. She came from a conservative, middle class family. Her father taught statistics at a local university, and her mother was a university administrator. She then described how her family had a house boy who would come from the nearby village to help clean. Her parents told her how devastatingly poor this boy was and because of that she felt an enormous amount of pity towards him, so when she looked at this boy all she saw was poverty. Poverty became the boys single story.
Growing up, Adichie became exposed to similar single stories. She read several books about white children who played in the snow and ate apples. For the longest time she thought books could be only about white children playing in the snow. This idea changed when she learned of …show more content…

Her college roommate felt sorry for her even before she came because she knew that she was coming from Africa. Her roommate had a single story of Africa and that was poverty. Her roommate was surprised when she met Adichie and learned that she came from a middle class family and that she could speak English very well. Adichie informed her that English was the official language of Nigeria. I remember finding this information both new and surprising. After watching the video and hearing Adichie’s story, I realized how easy it is for us all to be exposed to single stories. I began to think about the ways in which we are exposed to these stories such as the media, books, people, and society. When I flip on the television, there are commercials of African children living in poverty and begging for donations to have food to eat. Much like the roommate, I too thought Africa was a place of

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