
The Dangers And Effects Of Human Sex Trafficking

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Human Sex Trafficking is the action of illegally recruiting, human beings either within national or international borders for sexual exploitation purposes. It is hard to pinpoint how many people are being affected by trafficking, due to the secrecy that traders practice. Young teens are admitted in sex trade around the age of 12-14 years old. The sex traffickers are generating almost 100 billion in profits per year. It is the third largest international crime industry. In the U.S alone, around 15,000-17,000 people are being trafficked each year. This social problem is hard to interpret by others. People are not aware of the signs, dangers, and the effects that human sex trafficking has on society. There are many different techniques that are used by traffickers in order to lure in their prey. For example, the traffickers target women who are vulnerable, promising them a hopeful future. They tell the innocent people that they will be granted protection, a home, and a desirable career. If someone is coming from a marginalized community it is sometimes hard to resist such a promising life with higher income and other offers. Traffickers also express love and commitment to their modern slaves in order to perform their tasks. Many women fall in love with their pimps and are hopeful for their future together. While in the industry, the victims are exposed to drugs, physical abuse, forced sexual labor, etc. The sex slaves experience degradation, often deprived of food and sleep.

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