
The Dangers Of Mass Shootings In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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Her controversial story tells of an unnamed village who conducts an annual lottery in which every resident participates. With visual imagery, Jackson tricks the audience into believing this is an innocent village; however, as the story unfolds, the dark nature of these residents becomes apparent. On the day of the lottery, individuals are called to select a slip from a tattered box. Ultimately, the resident possessing a slip marked with a black dot gets stoned to death. No one questions the lottery, and the original purpose remains a mystery. Some say it is beneficial for the village’s harvest. Only when Tessie Hutchinson discovers she is the winner, does she object to the lottery and argue how the system is unfair. Her protest fails, as the villagers persist in the brutal stoning. Jackson’s story reveals the dangers of blindly following tradition and the darker aspects of human nature, such as the absolute cruelty in people’s actions. Focusing on recent mass shootings and the parallelisms in attitudes between Jackson’s villagers and Americans reveal how daily life in the United States is becoming a lottery.
There is a link between the villager’s lottery and American’s daily lives. For the small village, the lottery is a deadly game of chance, in which the unlucky winner is incapable of escaping his or her fate. Reflecting on recent attacks, the chances of death due to mass shootings are becoming statistically inevitable. They are occurring in churches,

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