
The Dangers Of Revenge In William Shakespeare's Hamlet

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The Dangers of Revenge
As represented in many examples throughout literature, revenge is a dangerous desire. Revenge will bring out the worst in people, often causing them to neglect their responsibilities and moral duties. Hamlet, in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, allows his personal passions to interfere with himself and those that are close to him. As a result of Hamlet’s eagerness to avenge his father, he is led to neglect both Ophelia and his mother, disregarding his morals as a person, and revealing that revenge is a destructive ambition to all those that encounter it.
Hamlet fools those around him with his madness as a part of his plan of revenge and eventually destroys the relationship between him and Ophelia. Ophelia follows her …show more content…

According to Gertrude, Hamlet’s madness is caused by “no other but the main - His father’s death and our o’erhasty marriage” (2.2). While Hamlet is so fed up with the quick marriage of Claudius and his mother, he ignores the fact that his mother still loves him. By letting the marriage get the best of him he lost a person who is there to support him, which leads him down a path of self destruction. Queen Gertrude explains to Claudius that Hamlet has gone “to draw apart the body he hath killed, o’er whom his very madness, like some ore among a mineral of metals base shows itself pure. He weeps for what is done” (4.1). Gertrude’s attempt to see the sliver of good left in Hamlet proves that she still loves him. But, Hamlet continues to push her away with his desire to get revenge and loses the only parent he has left. Hamlet then yells to God “a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourned longer” (1.2). Hamlet has lost all respect for his mother by comparing her to an animal. With his frustration, he forgets the reality that he is her son and the duties that come with that. Hamlet’s urgent need for revenge leads him to push away his mother and leaves him without a parental figure in his life as his madness progresses. Hamlet’s plan for revenge dismisses all of his morals and he is now seen as a dangerous and cold person. He instructs himself that his “thoughts be bloody or nothing worth” (4.5). After the Ghost tells Hamlet

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