
The Darkness : The Aspects Of Darkness In The Darkness

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The darkness. Such a scary or suspicious word to most people, but I know why that is. In the dark, you don't know what's expected to come or what's going to appear because you can't see anything. That can be brought out in the literal definition that there is no light or in a mysterious way of evil like a figure or shadow. Do humans actually know that darkness isn't meant to be scary but just a way of life? Yet we can't control the thoughts of humans and their perspective of everything, but we can control their poor or mistaken actions. What I mean by we, is us the shadows. Don't be too quick to judge though because we are the good shadows. The protectors, the helping hand, or whatever you might call it. Every living person has a shadow that follows them around in the light. That's just it though, we don't follow the humans around, we're the eyes on the back of their head. In trouble we're already close by so we do whatever we can to help them out because it's our job. My job unfortunately hasn't even started yet. My human/owner is a 16 year old girl named Veronica. She lives with her mom(Ashley), dad(Mike), and younger brother Jack. The shadows aren't like humans, so they aren't born they are just assigned a place and family to go to when someone is born. That also means you don't have parents to name you. You usually just name yourself that's close to your human/owners name. My human/owners name is Veronica, so that makes me Vercity. What I mean by human/owner,

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