
The Day Of The Dead

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The Day of the Dead is a unique Mexican holiday celebrated with many different customs and traditions throughout Mexico. This holiday focuses on the gathering of family and friends to pray for people close to them who have died and help them along on their spiritual journey. Every year, starting on October 31st, Mexican people begin their annual three-day celebration of The Day of the Dead or El Día de los Muertos. The holiday takes place over a course of three days, October 31st, November 1st, and November 2nd. Although it is celebrated over a three-day period, November 2nd is typically referred to as the official Day of the Dead because it is the day that is set aside to remember and honor those who have passed. October 31st is similar to the Western culture’s Halloween. November 1st is “Dia de los innocents” and on this day, children and infants who have passed are celebrated. These dates coincide with the Western Christian holy days: All Saints’ Eve, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day. In history, the Day of the Dead dates back around 3,000 years. The Aztec people celebrated a holiday of similar importance and regard. Once a year, the Aztecs held a celebration honoring the Aztec goddess, Mictecacihuatl. Mictecacihuatl was the Aztec goddess of death and the “Queen of the Underworld” and the “Lady of the Dead”. The Spanish conquistadors observed the Aztec peoples’ celebration of this holiday and meddled with it. They brought the aspects of Catholicism into the holiday

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