
The Death Of A Beautiful Woman By Edgar Allan Poe Essay

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Young, beautiful, and doomed; In several, if not all, works of Edgar Allan Poe, there is a not so subtle theme that is found. One of the death and beauty. How is the death of a young woman romanticized within selected works of Edgar Allan Poe? In such works as “Lenore”, “Ulalume”, popular “Annabel Lee”, “The Raven”, and short story “The Oval Painter” ,the “death of a beautiful woman” theme is prevalent and strongly noted within context, word choice, and imagery. In the eyes of Edgar Allan poe, death, especially that of a woman, to be lamented and mourned by a “bereaved lover”, is the most valued tool to have and utilize when writing. In his own life, Poe was able to relate to the subject matter, as many of his heroins are believed to be based upon his wife Virginia, who had died at a young age. Unraveling the methods to how Poe romanticized death of young women in his literature might give insight to not only Poe’s life, but humanity in general.. For context, Poe is known to set up several instances to which a death of a beautiful woman is either inevitably played out, or said death is being lamented upon. Often times it is the narrator, unnamed, written to mourn, or speak on the behalf, of a dead woman, to which had significant value to them. Either a lover, signifiant other, what have you, the mourner has romantic ties to the deceased, thus creating the relationship between the living and the dead. With “Lenore”, the poem has two separate speakers, and is set

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