
The Death Of Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In the play Romeo and Juliet there are several significant details that help the reader understand the actions of others led to the death of Romeo and Juliet. First, the character Friar Laurence married Romeo and Juliet to bring peace to the two families. Another important detail is Friar Laurence gave a remedy to Juliet to fake her own death. The third detail important to the play is Friar Laurence sent a letter to Romeo about Juliet fake death but it didn’t reach him in time. All of these details are significant because they all lead to the demise of Juliet and Romeo. The first thing that Friar Laurence did that led to Romeo and Juliet’s death was marring them to bring peace to the two families. In the text the Friar Laurence says in (Act

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