
The Death Of John F. Kennedy

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The death of John F. Kennedy has excite the interest of millions over the U.S for quite a long time. In 1976, the U.S Senate requested another examination concerning the death of John F. Kennedy he was killed in 1963 during a motorcade in Dallas, Texas. Individuals who had been included in the first examination were requested to put forward an expressions. The FBI and the CIA were influenced to discharge a greater amount of their evidence on Oswald. New lines of examination were opened and individuals who had not given confirmation were requested to tell what they know. The most critical proof were the photos and the sound recordings that the individuals had at the motorcade. The HSCA finished their examination in 1979 and they at long last went to a descrete decision that Lee Harvey Oswald shot three shots at Kennedy, one of the shots had killed Kennedy. The fourth shot was discharged from the “grassy knoll”. They reasoned that Kennedy was killed as an after effect of a wrong doing. There was a lot of reasons the HSCA resulted in these present circumstances choice, yet it was imperative that individuals knew why the case had re-opened over after 10 years.

The examination was situated up as immediate after effect of the deaths of two other major political pioneers, Martin Luther King and the Presidents brother Robert Kennedy, in 1968. This stirred expansive suspicion and the individuals began addressing why such a large number of key U.S figures had been

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