
The Death Of Socrates: Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Decent Essays

For my museum paper I have chosen to analyze “The Death of Socrates” painting located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art located in New York. “The Death of Socrates” was a work during the Neoclassic period. Neoclassicism symbolizes clarity of form, sober colors, shallow space, strong horizontal and verticals. It is inspired by Greek and Roman styles. In the painting it shows these examples of Neoclassicism it has sober colors, shallow space with a raking light and, strong horizontal and verticals lines which create a classical organized composition. First, the story behind the death of Socrates. Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher who was being accused by the Athenian government, for not believing in their gods and corrupting young …show more content…

Socrates, is seen sitting on a bed in a small dark chamber but a light is shining down on him. There are chains on the wall and floor. The man in red who has his hands on Socrates, is Crito, he is one of Socrates followers and close friend. In the scene, he and other followers in the image are trying to convince Socrates to escape but, Socrates is not accepting the idea of escaping. Cristo and the other follower expression’s looks fearful for what is about to happen. Three of them look distressed, one man in red and green is covering his face with his left hand and his right hand is on the wall. Another person who is sitting in front of Socrates, is Plato. Although it is known that he was not present at this moment. He looks disappointed he has his hands covered it looks like he is thinking about something. In the image all of the men look strong and muscular. Socrates has one leg on the bed and the step on the floor. The color in the painting is sober. There is a woman who is on the stairs is Socrates’s wife and it seems like she is about to leave the …show more content…

Enlightenment was a movement that began in 1765 responding to Baroque and Rococo styles and had the desire to come back to the classical elements of ancient Rome and Greece. The “Death of Socrates” is an example of enlightenment. David advocated the values of Enlightenment in his work. This style was developed at the same time that Neoclassicism was developed. One Enlightenment famous painting compared to the death of Socrates. In this image during the same period of Neoclassic painting, Titled “The Death of General Wolfe”. it was oil on a canvas. By a painter named Benjamin West, who was born in America and he was self taught. At the age of twenty one he moved to Italy so he could learn more about art. Later on in his life, he moved to London where he helped find the Royal Academy of Art in

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