
The Death Of Tea Cake

Decent Essays

When the novel reaches its climax with the death of Tea Cake, Janie transforms into a fulfilled character who begins to live a life of acceptance. The death of Tea Cake closes the door on Janie’s third marriage, however, that marriage taught Janie more about herself than any other caregiver. As Tea Cake and Janie begin to spend more time with one and other, the townspeople of Eatonville grow anxious. During her marriage with Joe, Janie is subjugated to severe classism which separates her from the townsfolk. When Janie begins to act like a regular woman and not a noble, the town is surprised, as Pheoby mentions “Janie, everybody’s talkin’ ‘bout how dat Tea Cake is draggin’ you round tuh places you ain’t used tuh” (Hurston 112). With Tea Cake, Janie experiences more adventure and more life than with anyone else. Every day brings a new adventure for their relationship, for example:
Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Tea Cake and Janie gone to Orlando to the movies. Tea Cake and Janie gone to a dance. Tea Cake making flowerbeds in Janie’s yard and seeding the garden for her… Tea Cake in a borrowed car teaching Janie to drive (Hurston 110).
Tea Cake truly loves Janie. He treats her like they are equals and does not see her as a slave or trophy like her passed husbands. Unlike Logan and Joe, Tea Cake does not need Janie for his own ulterior motives, as he“[loves] Janie for herself, Tea Cake wants only to share his life and have the opportunity to

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