
The Death Of Witchcraft By Richard Godbeer Essay

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Ultio, is the Latin word for Revenge, which the witchcraft craze of the 1800’s was indirectly a result of. Richard Godbeer argues that women and men, alike, were accused of witchcraft by vengeful neighbors. These vengeful acts, however, were a direct result of tensions in and around the colonies. In a new land faced by harsh weather, disease, and war with neighboring Native American tribes, many colonists needed an escape, something they could easily control and defeat. Accusing neighbors of witchcraft, was not only an act of revenge, but a way for colonists to band together against a common enemy they could destroy. They essentially created a substitute for their fears and hatred.
Connecticut had already begun to face a renewal of Indian attacks, and dissention between Quakers and Anglicans, as Stamford begin to experience witch accusations. Goodbeer mentions, in his Afterword, that the rhetoric used to describe increasing tensions caused by Indian attacks and religious conflicts was similar to what was used to describe witches. Portraying them as being worshipers of Satan. In small communities, like those of the Puritans in the colonies, congressional members were expected to be friendly, kind and generous at all times. Any deviation from this norm resulted in aggravated neighbors who would then proceed to call that person a witch. Puritans were not particularly bothered by those who were healers, or practiced the occults, but rather were bothered by those who did them

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