
The Death Penalty Act ( Fdpa )

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The death penalty also know as capital punishment can be argued as tool to get rid of future murders or an equal leveling filed to fit a just society. In, fact at the dawn of the 21st century, the death penalty has been considered by most nations as a cruel and inhuman punishment. (vaibhav,goel,2008). In a society that coins the saying every dollars counts; capital punishment divergently is very finically strenuous process that appropriates the American tax-payer pockets. A recent article in the Akron Law Review asks whether the Federal Death Penalty Act (FDPA) is in compliance with the Sixth Amendment 's right to confront witnesses because it allows hearsay evidence in determining whether a defendant is eligible for the death penalty. …show more content…

This would allow federal capital defendants to confront witnesses regarding the critical question of whether they are eligible for a death sentence. (M. Pepson & J. Sharifi, "Two Wrongs Don 't Make a Right," 43 Akron Law Review 1 (2010)). There have been many cases where a death row inmate has been found to be not guilty and had their sentence commuted or dismissed. There was an electrocution in the State of Florida back in 1999 where the man being executed had his nose broken before the electrocution even started because the guard put the leather strap that holds the persons head in place in the wrong spot and the man could not breathe! When the electricity was finally turned on, the man, who suffered from high blood pressure, had blood explode out of his nose and a large pool of blood formed on the front of the mans white shirt! The judge who sentenced him to death found out and had the pictures the prison staff took of the man just after the execution posted on the web and has now become an anti-death penalty judge The death penalty costs much more than life in prison. Much of the extra costs is due to the complicated nature of both the pre trial investigation and of the trials (involving 2 separate stages,

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