
The Death Penalty Is Wrong Essay

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The death penalty, properly known as capital punishment, has always been a controversial topic. People of the United States often find themselves in heated discussions over whether or not the death penalty is right. Some would argue the death penalty is right for a small percentage of certain crimes. Although the death penalty can be used as a tool of justice, I still think the death penalty is wrong because it goes against many American beliefs. To begin with, the death penalty violates the United States’ Constitution. Under the U.S. Constitution amend. VIII, section I, cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited. For a proper and painless execution, the states use a substance known as barbiturate sodium thiopental. The thiopental serves as an anesthetic and causes the patient to become unconscious. What many people are unaware of is that thiopental is a controlled substance and can be very hard to obtain, even for an execution. In order to avoid the trouble of obtaining thiopental, states began to look to alternative drugs, but not all of the drugs had the same anesthetic effect as thiopental. Two drugs specifically, midazolam and hydro-morphone, were tested in Ohio on a prisoner named Dennis McGuire. Not only did this execution take twenty-six minutes, but McGuire was also seen with his fists clenched and choking for ten minutes. No words, other than cruel, can accurately describe McGuire’s execution. As well as cruel, unusual accurately describes the death penalty.

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