
The Death Penalty Should Not Be Practiced

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Capital Punishment, also commonly known as the death penalty, is a very controversial topic thorough out the United States. Many arguments can be made for both sides of the argument, which has left the country spilt on whether or not it is an acceptable practice. Capital Punishment, the legal execution by the government of a person convicted of a series crime, is legal in 35 of the 50 states. There are many arguments among Christians on whether or not it is moral and/or biblically acceptable. This heated controversy has not only the country divided but also Christians as a whole. To those who oppose the death penalty capital punishment is not only immoral, but also allows for a lot of different issues to arise as well. To many Christians the use of the death penalty should not be practiced in the U.S. because it is ineffective in reducing crime, costs a lot, is risky, and is immoral.
Many believe that while death sentences punish individual criminals for individual crimes it has no effect in reducing crime in the United States, and does not solve the problems or hurt that the criminal caused. To them the only effective thing that the death penalty accomplishes is punishing one individual. This punishment does not have widespread effects on the rest of the people. According to the NCCADP (NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty) the death penalty has no impact on murder rates. An article on their website stated, “Nationally, murder rates are significantly lower

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