
The Debate Over Birth Control

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Everyone has heard the saying, “history repeats itself”. We’ve seen it time and time again from multiple Stock Market crashes, reasons for starting wars, to even patterns in fashion and music. The debates contraception poses proves to be no exception. While opinions differ from person to person based on their religious beliefs, political standing, and physical health condition, the argument always seems to be whether or not contraception should be easily accessible. This topic has been discussed since the early 1900’s, and is showing no signs of being solved anytime soon. Currently, the argument surrounding birth control is whether or not the government should be providing it at little to no cost for those who cannot afford it. It is hard …show more content…

He believed that, “You can’t get pleasure without paying for it” again, meaning that sex held one purpose, to procreate, and that it was never meant to be viewed as pleasurable.
While the debate between Margaret and Russell focused on spreading the information about contraception, it has since turned into something much bigger. Most recently, it has turned to the argument of government funding and health insurance coverage. Should the government be funding institutions such as Planned Parenthood? Should insurance companies be providing birth control at little to no cost to the patient? There are facts supporting that they should.
In 2012, Washington University in St. Louis published a study that focused on the relationship between access to free birth control, teenage pregnancies, and abortion rates. This study provided free birth control from 2008-2010 to 9,256 women that were at risk for unintended pregnancy for two years. Those that participated showed a massive reduction in teenage pregnancy, with a birth rate of 6.3 per 1,000 in women age 15-19 in comparison to the national rate, which was 34.3, showing a reduction of 82%. They also saw a decline in abortion rates, 7.5 among 1,000 women versus the national rate, which was 19.6. The researchers at Washington University concluded their study by stating that if free birth control were made available, it could prevent as much as 78% of abortions performed a year.
In March of 2010, President

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