
The Debate Over The Bill Of Rights Essay

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. The debate over the inclusion of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution was between Federalists, whom wanted more control in national government rather than state government, and Antifederalists, whom favored more State control rather than government control. Antifederalists wanted small state government power, and wanted protection against tyranny. They proposed the Bill of Rights, of which we see today, to protect individual rights. Along with the bill of rights though we have the clauses, which essentially say the Supreme Court is the law of the land, and in Mculloch vs. Maryland, the constitution and its interpretation prevailed, letting the national bank be created, and it could not be taxed, essentially ignoring the tenth amendment of the protecting the states. 2. The “Switch in Time that Saved Nine” was important in West Coast Hotel Co. V. Parrish in that the switch of Justice Owen Roberts from conservative to liberal in the decision on minimum wage in Washington, and was a reaction to Roosevelt’s Court Packing proposal to congress, and kept the justices at nine. 3. Three explanations for elite polarization are Economic Inequality, Nationalization, and Media Environment. The strengths of the economic inequality argument are that parties’ identification has come to correlate with their economic status, and because of this, elites are using their knowledge of this to tailor their views in a way that will help them win the election, making them more polar due to

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