
The Declaration Of Independence And The United States

Decent Essays

Throughout the history of our country there are a handful of documents that have stood the test of time, however the documents that have remained relevant are ever more important today then when they were originally drafted. The U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptist Church are three documents that are still hold relevance in today’s societal discussions. These three documents hold truths, principals and ideologies that were and are crucial to the continuation and the development of the United States. The very ideas and tribulations that led to the development of the United States are expressed loudly in these three documents. While these documents are vastly different in content, they do all hold the same basic principals that create the framework of the United States.
While the three documents all have some basic ideological similarities the three differ on the main issues they are addressing. The Declaration of independence was written in response to a Tyrant and it stressed equality for all people and that everyone has basic human rights. The Constitution is the backbone for the United States Government and set up how the country would work. The Constitution emphasizes that people should be the source of all government power and that power in the government should be spread out. jefferson’s letters to Danbury Baptist addresses the issue of a state organized religion and the wall between church and state.

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