
The Deep Web : The Invisible Web Essay

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The deep web commonly referred to as the “invisible web” holds 96% of the content on the internet, making it roughly 500 times greater than the surface web (Norton). The content captured by a search engine is denoted as the surface web. Through the assistance of web crawlers, search engines are able to effortlessly capture and catalogue content on the internet and recall it when a search is made. Conversely, webpages beyond the range of these crawlers form a hidden and more complicated place referred to as the deep web (“Ultimate Guide to the Invisible Web”). A large portion, approximately 85% of internet users are only concerned with tribal surface web issues so their understanding of the deep web is subpar. The best way to familiarize oneself with the deep web is to explore a concrete definition, discover the content it holds and determine how an average individual can access it.
The deep web is considered to be hidden since the content it holds is not indexed. Webpages that have not been indexed will never be displayed through a search engine. A common analogy clarifying this idea is that of waving a small fish net in an ocean, since the size of the net is so small compared to the ocean, the net will only be able to capture the small population of fish on shallow levels, similar to a search engine on the internet. Moreover, the origins of the deep web date as far back as the nineties, when it was originally formed for anonymous communication. The deep web only commenced

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