
The Defense Of Marriage Act ( Doma )

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In defense of marriage by John Corny, President Bill Clinton and the government were able to approve the defense of marriage act (DOMA). DOMA is defined as the union of a man and a woman which it was what mostly of the people consider to be right. The main question is if people should continue this or change? The answer is that many activists have been trying to change that definition. This changes has already begun in many states of the country , and those who supported DOMA long time ago, are not able to support marriage today. There is one thing that has never become different, it is how people think a kid is best raised by a woman and a man. However, today marriage appears to be in a general agreement that is being complicated. …show more content…

Laws afford protection and equality to personal choices relating to marriage, barrier methods for pregnancy, reproduction, family relationship, child care, and guidance. Homosexual people may see self-determination on these aspects, just as straight people do. It doesn 't take an expert or the government to be involved to understand the definition of these words. The authority and the court specialists approve any circumstance. Authorized academics are widely unfavorably opponents. The most outstanding constitutional specialists on this matter are "Cass Sunstein, Erwin Chemerinksky, and William Eskridge" They estimate that DOMA or other long established marriage laws across the states will be unwelcome and unenforceable as not in accordance with the constitution. In addition, the actions of disapproving and eliminating long established marriage laws national has already started. A spokesperson of the Lambda legal corporation which want to stop traditional marriage laws across the states, clearly expressed that they won 't give up until the same sex or gender marriage come across the entire nation. Many other democrats like "John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, and former presidential candidates Howard Dean and Carol Moseley Braun", all of them have refused DOMA as not in accordance with the constitution or with the rules and want DOMA to be disproved or refuted by the judicature and with no fundamental or established set of principles governing,

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