
The Dehumanization In Joseph Conrad's Heart Of Darkness

Decent Essays

Savage is a term that is overused today in the wrong connotation. It is being used on Twitter when one person insults another or when an individual does something “insane” like degrade a female on social media sites . But the term was also being overused in the 1800s. Analyzing this quote by William James “We are all ready to be savage in some cause. The difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of the cause”, it sheds light on the idea that all men are created equal, and all men are ready to be savage. However, the difference between good and bad is the cause of their madness and what triggers an individual. This can be a struggle in everyday life, but it can also help us understand the atrocities Joseph Conrad writes about in Heart of Darkness. The terms “savage” and “civilized” were used extensively in the novel, and through a deeper …show more content…

Conrad has been criticized many times for the content of Heart of Darkness, including diction surrounding Marlow’s actions are dehumanizing and bias to a great extent, but that wasn’t always the case. In the time period that Conrad went on a journey through the Congo and also wrote the book, slavery had come to an end a few years sooner in the United States. However, de jure slavery still existed for a long time after that. Conrad indirectly characterizes Marlow while he is on the steamboat, as Conrad describes the natives he leads with “We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster” (), and uses some very questionable word choice. It makes it seem as if it is surprising that the Africans are roaming free, as Conrad, who grew up in Belgium, is used to seeing Africans only as slaves in the time

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